Face & Neck Lift

Face and Neck Lift Surgery

Face and necklift operations improve the changes which in the face with increasing age. 

Commonly jowls, neck sagging and wrinkles and improved.

A facelift is done usually under a general anaesthetic, and is often combined with other surgical procedures including eyelid surgery, and involves a 2 day stay in hospital. 

Face & Neck Lift Surgery Kent

 The operation itself can take three or more hours. There is early bruising and swelling which settles over 10 days to two weeks. A feeling of tightness and numbness in the face settles over very many months.

The position of the scar varies depending on whether we do a full face lift or a short scar operation, this in turn depending on your age and what the features are which we are setting out to improve.

Necklift surgery may also require a scar under the chin. The scars heal in a variable way but most of the scarring following a facelift is good.

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John A Davison MBChB, MSc, FRCSEd(Plast)

Mr John Davison Plastic Surgeon
Mr. John Davison

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